Grief is a powerful force in our lives and can greatly affect our well-being. It may weigh heavily on us and impact our daily lives. Yet, we too often shy away from tending to it. Sometimes getting away from the ordinary helps us to gain greater perspective.
Kerith Brook provides retreats, reflection days and awareness gatherings. Our events listed on the website are open to all. We also partner with other non-profits, organizations, and faith communities. Events can be tailored to a groups' specific needs.
Our retreats provide a space and a place for your rest and renewal. They typically begin on Friday evening and go through Sunday morning. Day only and partial participants are welcome. Support gatherings, times to share, and activities are offered but always optional. You are invited to enjoy nature, walk, journal, draw, puzzle, etc. Meals and other needs are taken care of for you. Come and be refreshed.
Our reflection days are similar in spirit to our retreats. They also take place in peaceful settings. Group reflections, sharing, activities and quality time alone may all be experienced on a day away.
Our awareness gatherings are offered to provide support, highlight resources, and discuss the importance of processing grief. They are scheduled for a few hours and involve reflections, education, and fellowship. As always, you may be apart of the sharing or simply listen.
All Kerith Brook retreats and events are provided at no cost to any participants. This is due to the generosity of our donors. Donations are always welcome.
Contact us to learn more and how to sign up.